Hello Friends and welcome to our book study! Mandy and I are so happy that you are joining us. We are looking forward to sharing our thoughts and ideas with you and we also can’t wait to hear your ideas as well! Tonight I will be going live on my Facebook Page to chat with you all about your ideas and tips. You can check it out here at 9:00 est Wednesday June 22nd, 2016!
This chapter is all about preparing for Guided Reading and the first six weeks of Guided Reading. It is LONG chapter with a lot of information so what better way to learn than with visuals!
Step 1: Balanced Reading Approaches
Introduce your students to different reading approaches before you introduce Guided Reading. This will foster a love of reading and capture the interest of your students. This is really important in the younger grades, because many kindergartners haven’t seen these reading approaches yet.
Step 2: Plan Guided Reading Framework
Plan within the time that you have. The best thing about this book, is that you can use it to fit your needs or what is being asked by your district.
Step 3: Teaching Routines and Procedures
This is where the book and Jan Richardson’s website comes in handy. There are tables for each week if you teach K-1. It breaks it down how each rotation should look and the progression of the groups. I personally think that it would work with certain second and third grade classes as well, depending on your group.
Step 4: Plan Your Literacy Workstations
There are TONS of activities on Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers for these activities. You probably already have a bunch laminated and ready to go!
Primary Grade Workstations
* Book Boxes
* Buddy Reading
*Reader’s Theater
*Poems and Songs
* ABC/Word Study
* Word Wall
*Read the Room
*Oral Retelling
* Listening
* Computer or iPad
*Big Books
Click on the image or this link. Once you download the PDF, you can click on the pictures and it will lead you to the TPT freebie!
Intermediate Grade Workstations
* Buddy Reading
*Word Study
* Readers Theater
* Research
Click on the image or this link. Once you download the PDF, you can click on the pictures and it will lead you to the TPT freebie!
Reading Notebook
Independent Reading Record– Record of books that they read.
Independent Reading Responses- Students write a one page response of the book they are reading in the form of a letter to the teacher.
Guided Reading Notes- Students write a response that relates to the comprehension strategy focus.
Notes- Students take notes during whole group instruction.
New Word List- Words will vary according to the guided reading groups.
Step 5: Organize the Management of your Workstations
This is the time where you have to scour Pinterest and look for the best management of workstations that fits your school and teaching style. Team task board and individual task board are two that Richardson mentions in her book. I have seen clip charts for younger students and check off sheets for older students. You have to find what works best for you and your students!
This Reader’s Workshop Board from Caitlin at The Teaching Shoppe is GORGEOUS!
Bonus Tips from Chapter One
* Use a timer to keep yourself and your students on track!
*Practice transitions, then practice them again!
* Develop a signal or sign that shows that students may not interrupt you. Wearing a hat or crown, using a special light, or even having a student be the “ask me” person before interrupting.
*Organize guided reading materials for students and yourself.I love this organization from Mel from Seusstastic!
How do you implement Guided Reading? What are your best tips? Don’t forget to join us on Facebook Live to chat about Guided Reading!
Use this image to pin for later, and visit Mandy on Monday for Chapter two!
One of the most important issues of writing a high-quality course works is picking an appropriate topic. It often poses a serious problem for students as they have little experience in this matter. See more reading response samples
One of the most important issues of writing a high-quality course works is picking an appropriate topic. It often poses a serious problem for students as they have little experience in this matter. See more reading response samples