I have been so inspired lately by Hope King from Elementary Shenanigans and Kim Bearden from the Ron Clark Academy. To say that I love their lessons would be an understatement. When I watched their periscope on the beach day in their classroom, I decided that I was going to introduce my continent lesson and integrate math and ELA one day to #setthestagetoengage. I told my students’ parents about it, and told them to look up the Ron Clark Academy, that my lessons would be a bit different that day. I will update you on that status later! So I planned, and planned, and planned some more. I crafted and created (Which I love). Like Hope says, Elementary is a different beast when it comes to Set The Stage To Engage. She and Kim also say to use what you have, and I did.
*Insert this part for my dad* (See, I really did only buy these items!)
These are the only things that I bought for today. Next year, I will ask a Chinese restaurant for chopsticks and a parent for the bread, pb, and jelly!
Learning about Continents
First, I met my kids in the library, They made predictions (and thought that I was really flying them to somewhere), and received their ticket, passport, and suitcase. I made the suitcases from cereal boxes turned inside out. Then we traveled down the hall to take flight!
Each student had their seat and row on their ticker, so when they entered the room they found their seats! I hung clouds up as well!
We read this book about Isabella. Then we discussed books that tell stories and books that give information (our standard for this week).
I used Google Earth as we flew and the students held out their hands like planes. (so precious) I left youtube up with plane sounds and the white noise was calming and exciting at the same time.
North America
We left from North America (NYC) in fact, and we visited the Statue of Liberty before we left. For every continent, the students wrote in their passport and then glued the stamp for that continent on their suitcase.
South America
Next, we flew to South America. There we talked about Carnival (the Rio version, not the real version) and the students danced to a song from the movie.
We needed scarves for Antarctica! It was so cold ๐ The students received a fact about the continent and they made a snowball. They threw the snowball in the circle, picked up a new snowball and read it to the class. We did that about three times.
When we arrived in Australia, the students were excited to see Kangaroos and learned about boomerangs. They made one to take home and loved decorating it.
Next it was SNACK TIME! I brought in my rolling cart from my house and rolled it so that they could pick a snack.
Then we left for..
In Asia, we learned about Sushi. The kiddos thought that I was going to make them eat the real stuff but we make PB and J sushi instead. Just flatten the bread, add PB and J, roll, cut and voila!
Next was Europe!
When we went to Europe, we learned how to say Hello in different languages. The kids favorite was Bonjour! (Thank you Google!)
Last we flew to Africa!
We made African Necklaces and looked at the deserts on Google Earth.
Lunch Break ๐
FOr math, we are studying 2D plane shapes, so we flew planes outside. Whichever shape the plane landed near, the students had to tell me how many sides and vertices.
Then we visited three centers to review continent locations.
Center 1
Students played headbandz with continent cards.
Center 2
Students rolled a dice and wrote the continent they rolled with an Expo marker on a map.
Center 3
Students used the spinner to locate continents on a large map as a group.
It was SUCH a fun day!
Pilot Warren from Warren Airlines signing off! ๐
Wow! You got alot done in one day. This gave me chills because it was incredibly Awesome! My 3rd graders would Love something like this.
Wow! You got alot done in one day. This gave me chills because it was incredibly Awesome! My 3rd graders would Love something like this.
Wow! You got alot done in one day. This gave me chills because it was incredibly Awesome! My 3rd graders would Love something like this.
I am OBSESSED with this lesson and I will be stealing it next year when I teach my 2nd Graders about the continents! I am SO excited about! Thank you so much for sharing about it!
I am OBSESSED with this lesson and I will be stealing it next year when I teach my 2nd Graders about the continents! I am SO excited about! Thank you so much for sharing about it!
Thank you!!! You are so sweet. I hope your kiddos enjoy it ๐
Thank you so much for your kind words. We had a blast! I am hoping to do another one soon ๐ Superhero style!
Thank you so much for your kind words. We had a blast! I am hoping to do another one soon ๐ Superhero style!