Hey Hey Friends!!! Long time, no blog. it has been quite a year! Hope your year is coming along smoothly! We are mid Dino Days this week (Check it out here!) and one of my sweet Instagram friends asked where I got the new idea that introduces the unit to my students, so I am going to share it with you!
I was talking with one of the other teachers on my hall, and she said that she used to use the hide and seek eggs (that look like rocks and grass) to make inferences with her students, and I thought that would be an awesome way for the students to guess what their next room transformation would be. She let me borrow her eggs, and said that she saw this idea from Deanna Jump and had created a worksheet to go with it.You can visit Deanna’s blog here, to see her idea. I created my own and you can grab it here for free!
Have a Happy Week friends!